Why do the teeth move after years of having braces?

So, you had braces in your mouth years ago. But you can see your teeth moving again leading to the same deformities again. While you have enjoyed a sweet and healthy smile on your face for years after the treatment of Northridge braces , what has happened after all these years. Why are your teeth shifting again, and this is the time when you cannot really afford another orthodontic treatment? If we talk about Porter Ranch orthodontics some 20 years ago, patients of those times did not have the awareness about the nasty habit of teeth to move back to the undesired positions again. Back then, people used to think that the braces are off the mouth, and they are free to do anything with their teeth now. Cut to today, we tell patients that getting and maintain straight teeth is a very long journey. Besides the time you have Northridge braces in your mouth, you have to wear the retainers to keep your teeth in their upright positions. Movement of teeth after braces Teeth movements are natur...